Tuesday, May 29, 2012

0 ST0-119 questions and answers

Symantec ST0-119 exam is one of exams of Symantec certification. Passcert ST0-119 Test is a executeable program. This Test can help you to pass ST0-119 exam easily. It covers all necessary knowledge of the Symantec certification ST0-119 exam . With this Test, you can pass your exam at you first attempt, otherwise, you will get a full refund.

We know exactly what is needed and have all the exam notes, preparation guides and practice tests which are included in ST0-119 training series. Our Symantec Certification exam lab covers over 100% of the questions and answers that may be appeared in your ST0-119 exam. Every point from passcert ST0-119 PDF, ST0-119 review will help you take Symantec ST0-119 exam much easier and become Symantec certified in not a long time.

Free ST0-119 questions and answers share :
When reviewing compliance reports for the Microsoft products, the system administrator notices that
the data and bulletins have remained unchanged for two weeks. What should the administrator check to
address this issue?
A. Patch Management Import task
B. Microsoft Compliance Update policy
C. Revise Software Update task
D. Import Patch Data for Microsoft policy
Answer: D
What are two Software Update Plug-in responsibilities? (Select two.)
A. gathers an inventory on all installed software and their associated service pack level
B .gathers specific inventory on supported operating systems, applications, and the associated service
pack level
C. sends execution results of all software installed to the Notification Server
D. notifies users before a Managed Delivery policy executes
E. sends execution results of applied software bulletins to the Notification Server
Answer: BE
A system administrator needs to quickly deploy Windows 7 to several new computers without
preconfigured operating systems. The administrator decides to use an existing Ghost image since the
necessary drivers have already been added to the DeployAnywhere database. The PXE Configuration is
set to respond only to known computers. How should the administrator proceed?
A. Use Ghost Solution Suite to distribute the image as the computers boot to the network.
B. Deploy an Automation Folder to the new computers to prepare them for imaging.
C. Configure PXE to respond to a known list of MAC addresses and deploy the images only to the new
D. Import the list of new computers into the Management Console and assign an imaging task.
Answer: D

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