Wednesday, May 16, 2012

0 How To Overcome The Fear Of Recording On Camera

I am aware a lot of people are scared with that and for me personally when I first started, I was the same. I was concerned about how my hair would appear, I was concerned about how my shirt would fit, I was concerned with how I talk, all of that type of stuff. And it was nerve-racking. But before long, after practice, after doing more of these often, I felt much more comfortable. And it's just like public presenting or getting onstage and speaking to people in a large crowd.

Even today actually I get nervous presenting looking at an audience of many people so it proves that it's not a thing that just comes naturally. But what I wished to reveal to you inside this video today is to offer some tips on how to have the ability to produce videos and be relaxed in front of the camera and it's very much practicing thing. It's not something which will just come without difficulty to you but once you get used to it, it will become very easy and that's how I'm fortunate to form lots of videos in a short time because I can just hop in front of the camera and just give you my knowledge and tips on how to do it.

If you're not comfortable with doing the camera first, that's okay. Script it out. Write down some notes. Nevertheless the most vital thing is just record a plan or guide so doing this you don't get mentally empty. It is possible to stand facing the camera and speak by using your guides. And it's okay if you've got to look at the script here, it's good to read it off sometimes but be sure that you have your eye contact with the camera. Second tip I want to reveal to you is imagine like there's a person facing you like a friend whom you are actually talking to. And it'll be like gazing or talking to somebody as if you're introducing them to the very first time about a particular matter.

The next tip I would like to give you is change it into interview style and it's actually not that hard to do. So once again, it's much like number two except that you don't have to seem facing the camera, you could actually look at the side which is what I'm going to do right now and pretend there's someone looking at you. And have a set of questions or you're pre-prepped.

So as you may see that wasn't very difficult. You may stand in front of the camera, facing at a different angle and get an interview type of style. So that is my third tip there and really there's not much more that I can give you in terms of how to overcome the fear of that but I think what is important is rehearsing. And overtime, once you become confident to get facing the camera and speak and share thoughts like this it is much, much easier I can guarantee you do that because actually, I've done it. This is the way I communicate everyday, I speak to my wife like this as well so before long it becomes very easy to have the ability to speak with you and I hope that's how you feel when you watch these videos with me.

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