Monday, January 9, 2012

0 Why Take English Lessons Online?

English lessons online are a revolutionary, new way to learn English, connecting students and teachers from all over the world. In the past the only way to take one to one English lessons was to find a teacher living in your area. But because of the many software programs that allow you to talk with people anywhere in the world in real time, students can now find teachers that reside in different countries, offering a whole range of different options for the learner to choose from.

English lessons online are very similar to any face-to-face lesson, wit the exception of taking place in a virtual classroom. There are many options available when choosing a platform that to conduct the lessons. The more popular ones offer basic video and text chat, while the expensive options allow the teacher and student to share their computer screens, show word, excel or any other document, play videos during the lesson and much more. The virtual classrooms are certainly improving the way that students and teachers can interact, with even free services introducing some very exciting features.

Online schools usually offer two options to the students: One to one lessons where there is only one student and one teacher, and group lessons. One to one lessons are the most popular, are specific to each student and is the more personalized option, giving the student a more individualised learning experience. The lessons are prepared with only the one student in mind, and the student gets a lot of speaking practice which is incredible important when learning any language.

Group lessons are becoming more prevalent and these lessons usually involve around four to six learners per lesson. These lessons are cheaper than the one to one lessons but offer less personalization and less speaking time. With group lessons it is important that everyone present has a good Internet connection with no interference, as this interference can be heard by everyone present. With group lessons students are put into different courses depending on their level. What is taught in these groups depends on these levels. Advanced levels usually have more time to speak, do role-plays and discuss different topics. Beginners will go through a more structure course.

Teachers and institutions have responded to this upsurge in online lessons by offering more courses online. The big learning institutions have been a little slow with adapting to the online world, but they are starting to really show an interest in capturing those who prefer to learn online. Students learning English this way at ever increasing rates. This is mainly down to the flexibility and comfort offered by online English lessons. The ability to take the lessons when you want and in the comfort of your own home is very appealing.

English lessons online have become a very viable and effective option for students all over the world.

Jack Askew is the head teacher of, offering http://%3ca%20target=/">English Lessons Online. All of the classes are online and are a great way to improve spoken English, listening, reading, writing and grammar skills.

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