Sunday, January 29, 2012

0 Find Out How To Qualify For Unique Scholarships

Besides, the typical scholarships awarded on solely need and merit, there are some special scholarships out there which aren't bombarded. Sometimes, a specific ailment or a talent will help you get unique scholarship. There are several scholarships out there that are very unique, and cater to a specific group.

If you have a dance talent, but it's not necessarily catered to the mainstream dance such as ballroom dancing, there's a scholarship with a B-boy (Break dance) film company called, StrifeTv. It's a very unique scholarship for people that do Hip-Hop dance styles particularly B-boying. The criteria deals with at least 2.5 GPA, a transcript of your college of intent or a schedule if you are a returning student, an essay to show how the b-boy dance inspired you as well as ways to give back to your community, and a video of you dancing at practice. It's a 500 dollar scholarship award to a b-boy and b-girl that definitely helps with food or cost of books.

Another unique scholarship deals directly with ailment. Have you ever thought your asthma gets in the way of everything? Well, now you will be awarded a scholarship for your sacrifices with asthma! There is a scholarship program developed by the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology (AAAI) that funds previously diagnosed people with asthma on their way to college. The award is 1000 dollars, and those that excel in academics as well as athletics will greatly be considered for the award. It's a good way to help with tuition and book fees.

If you are a talented writer, but tend to keep it on a more casual level, then the blogging scholarship is for you. Yes, a scholarship that aids bloggers for college! It's a big one, too! It's a $10,000 scholarship! The criteria is to have a unique blog that correlates to your own interests and experiences. Also, it's better to have a self-hosted domain in case you make the blog a bit more serious. The goal is to help college students with their expenses as well as foster their passion for doing what they like. A 300 word essay is required.

These are just some of the unique scholarships out there for you to partake. If you have some unique qualities and looking to go college, search the internet. You would be surprised with what you find online.

To find out more, talk to your college career advisor. Also, if you are interested in finding weird college scholarships, see our Easy Scholarships blog to learn what scholarships are available to you. Visit us: .
(Besides, the typical scholarships awarded on solely need and merit, there are some special scholarships out there which aren't bombarded. Sometimes, a specific ailment or a talent will help you get unique scholarship.

To find out more, talk to your college career advisor. Also, if you are interested in finding weird college scholarships, see our Easy Scholarships blog to learn what scholarships are available to you.

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