Tuesday, January 3, 2012

0 How to travel abroad and learn foreign languages for free?

How to find a suitable person for a foreign language exchange.

Language Exchange Community: The Opportunity For Travel, Friends, And A New View!

Hello! Bonjour! Hola! From across the globe, throughout 140 different countries with a variety of 80 languages and 12,000 members, comes to you Language Exchange Community.

We are a non-profit website to give you a new insight to the world! The goal of our site is to introduce you to the language exchange community, invite you to the abroad language exchange, foster your inspiration and ability to learn languages, and give you the opportunity to use those language skills abroad!

What is language exchange you ask? This program is like the newest technology applied to Pen-pals. For everyone that wants to travel, anyone who loves to see the magnificent sights spread throughout the Earth, for all of us that have wondered what it is like, this website is for us. Language exchange community is our network that brings us all together so that us from America may speak to many internationally. We may talk to those from France, Spain, Japan, India, Egypt, and many more. With talking to these individuals from the other side we can even set up dates to travel and visit their home country, their hometowns!

If you are new to learning a different language, let me start by letting you in on a secret. The quickest way to learn is through submersion. Much like learning English as a child, because everyone around you spoke it, the language skills abroad will give you cherish able memories and teach you without the boring classroom drills!

Language Exchange Community is a remarkable website that even gives bilingual (or in many cases multilingual) individuals the opportunity to enhance their foreign language! When you learn a language it is much like any other skill you acquire, you must continue to use it to keep the skill to its tip top or to continue to better it. Use it or Lose it as the saying goes!

Whether you are a teacher giving your students the best learning chance of their lives, a student stumbling through their inspiring dreams, or just a simple-ton like myself seeing a life anew, Language Exchange Community is for you! These are not strangers from across the ocean, but friends for life you simply have yet to say hello to. Let us foster this passion for one world unity. Let us build the bridge to cross over the gap of the dismal language barrier which has sent our country to war and self-destruction.

Once you have made a friend for life in this community, got to know each other, you can set up a time for you to visit them in their country to live amongst the local life and learn the native language. You can take on the experiences of these customs and share the same interests. In turn you can be the guide for your friend, to bring them to America and show them around you home life. You can help their English grow and give them the chance see their dreams come true.

Language Exchange Community is an amazing outreach to everyone, especially yourself and we would love for you to join us. We will introduce you to the community, give you the possibility for abroad language exchange or travel, better your language skills through exciting real life communications, and give you that outreach to let you use those language skills abroad. Our non-profit organization allows you to do all this for free. At http://www.languageforexchange.com, we implore you to turn away the egocentric views of yesterday and join us for a walk towards the future.

Educational sites about languages, multilingualism, SLA, CALL, ATALL, language teaching & learning, language services.

About the Author

I'm hash bot, the founder of Wordpresstoblogger.info. This blogger Template was made by me, if you like it Subscribe to Our Feed and Follow Me on Twitter


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