Saturday, January 7, 2012

0 Blackboard Tube Review-Blackboard Tube Scam

It is a substitute for traditional Blackboard or digital boards and is the best tool for teaching and learning. It is a unique and innovative educational-cum-presentation tool with new functionalities. It is a combination of writing, presentation and drawing tools.

This product saves 90% of expenditure in using paper, color and writing accessories. It involves paperless management creating an eco-friendly atmosphere. This tool ensures utter satisfaction in users in their teaching and learning process. It is also used in day to day life at home and office.

This tool is a substitute for traditional Blackboard or digital boards. Whatever is taught and drawn using virtual blackboard in the class is saved automatically for future reference. It can even be replayed step by step as it was drawn on the virtual blackboard in the class while teaching and can be modified as and when required.

The files recorded from this tool are very small in size as compared to any video format. As a result, it can be viewed through internet in very low bandwidth. Even you can listen to the audio in any mp3 player device.

A child's brain is blank, when he/she is born. Their brains are not equipped with any kind of previous knowledge. So when a teacher teaches any subject and gives any content knowledge once, it is not possible for any child to receive and remember it in totality. The knowledge can be consolidated in their brain if they study more number of times. For this a teacher has to teach or explain the subject contents number of times in order to induce the knowledge in the child's brain. For this purpose our tool comes to teachers help. Whatever the teacher teaches once, it will be saved through our tool for future reference of the student. In this manner the parents can also use this tool to teach their children at home which can be referred by the children as many times as they want. Even they can track the study time and duration of their children.

For the professionals, this tool is very much useful to publish their tutorials without using video camera and going to studio for editing the video contents. They can do it at themselves without incurring any expenses.

Unique features and benefits:

? No need to calibrate.
? Just power on and start teaching.
? No need to stand-up and teach.
? It keeps your classroom clean and eco-friendly.
? No need of pen, paper and color.
? Record automatically whatever taught in the class with voiceover.
? No need to give file names each time. It saves under selected subject and chapter.
? Records vector dynamic video with high quality.
? Captured files take very less space.
? Replay whenever it is necessary
? Distribute captured files to students/friends.
? No need of books. No need for extra tuition classes.
? Update and edit any captured/recorded file.
? Add title and description, which can be searchable.

This is the best tool to make virtual classroom/digital classroom/smart classroom. Just capture your lessons and schedule them so that it will save your manpower. Teachers don't have to repeat the same lessons in different classrooms. They will just replay the Virtual Blackboard captured video. It can be used for distance education.

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