Monday, June 18, 2012

0 Two Most Important Symbols That Can Be Used In Lord Of The Flies Essay

"The Lord of the flies" is an allegorical story written by a Nobel Prize winner writer William Golding. Lord of the flies book talks about how culture came into being by man's fail, by giving an example of British students who were lost on the abandoned island. These boys attempted to govern themselves leading in calamitous results. It revolves around the contentious human nature and has got the 68th position on the American Library Association "list of the 100 most influential books of 90's".

As mentioned; it is an allegorical story, there are various symbols which can be used in the story in order to backup the main theme but for some students, picking out the right symbols to be included in the Lord of the flies essays become bit intricate. Consequently, we are providing you Lord of the flies symbols and their significations that can be used in the Lord of the flies allegory essay.

The Conch Shell:

There are two main characters in the play," Ralph" and "Piggy" who find a conch shell on the beach in the beginning of the novel and used it to call the boys together after the plane crash which separated them. This way, conch shell became a very vital symbol in the novel. The shell was used very efficiently to regulate the boys together as the boy who holds the shell had the ability to speak. Because of this; the shell became an actual vessel for political legitimacy and power. As the island erodes and the boys went into savagery, the conch shell eventually loses its authority among the boys. Ralph clasps the shell when he talked about his intentions of murdering Simon. Shortly, the rest of the boys started throwing stones at him every time he tried to blow the conch's shell at the Jack's camp. The stones that Roger threw on Piggy also crushed the shell which is clearly distinguishing the downfall of the civilized instincts in all the boys on the island.

Piggy's Glasses:

Piggy is the cleverest boy out of all the boys on the island. His glasses identify intelligence and the power of science in the novel. The symbolic importance of the piggy's glasses became striking at the start of the novel when the boys used piggy's glasses to set up the fire and to see the sunlight. Jack's hunter when break-in the camp and stole the Piggy's glasses, the savages used it to lit the fire leaving Ralph's group out of action.

In this manner, the two most commanding symbols used in the Lord of the flies novel will allow you to write your Lord of the flies essay in an effective manner.

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