Tuesday, June 12, 2012

0 Birth Of A New Iceberg

Birth Of A New Iceberg
08:15 Andri Wisnu

Michael Studiger continue to observe the photographs from satellites and aircraft, which takes pictures Antarctic Continent. with colleagues in the United States Space Agency (NASA), in discussing the shots that show dratan ice at the South Pole.
On 15 October, members of Operation Ice Bridge team was stunned NASA. They watched the ice cracks at the Pine Island Glacier (PIG) region is part of the west Antarctic ice sheet

The next few days, cracks in the glacier continues to expand and length, currently we are witnessing the birth of the iceberg. This is our attention, said studinger, operations team members two weeks ago.
Until earlier this month, is 32 kilometers long cracks. with a depth of 60 Meters. NASA scientists estimate these cracks has an area 880 square kilometers or about the size of the City of New York.

Had the ice fraction is separated from the ice shelf, then formed a new iceberg. Experts in the Office of the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., constantly researching these events through the satellites and airplanes
They made the crack growth projections, the pieces of ice will separate ataau around late 2011 at the latest early 2012. The new iceberg will move to the north, carried by wind from the ocean currents.

According Studinger, this part of natural processes such as happened in 2001. He predicts the formation of an iceberg is part of the annual cycle of 10 glaciers in the region.
The emergence of a giant iceberg warrant concern, in addition to courses, floating icebergs that have an impact on the surrounding environment, Good on habitat of living things in the sea or on it

Pine Island Glacier glacier region itself becomes the focus of attention of scientists Understandably, this region is very large and unstable. due to ice melt faster and have a significant impact on surface seawater globl in the next century.
Other than through the air, Operation Ice Bridge puts NASA instruments on Pine Island Gletcier. Untukt observe the train29 kilometers, for example, they use a tool called the Airborne Topographic Mapper.
This device uses Light Detection And technology ranging. This tool sends a laser onto the surface of the sinal then reflecting it back in the device. Through advanced devices, experts experts observe the birth of the iceberg and the impact of climate change in

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