The term Locum Tenens is generated from the Latin language, which means, “holding one’s place.” Physicians have found a new way of practicing medicine that benefits them with various means and rewards. When the physicians go on job assignments for long-term or short-term positions in medical facilities and healthcare institutions, they are categorized as Locum Tenens physicians.
In the USA, a shortage of skilled and experienced physicians is increasing almost daily and the healthcare industry is facing the lack of physicians to provide patient care services. In addition, the growing population has brought the need of establishing more hospitals for medical care and to facilitate this, physicians from different fields of practices are required in such places.
This adversity has given rise to the need and importance of physician staffing agencies and recruitment firms that are capable of providing skilled workforce of physicians, specialists and other medical staff in a short notice period. In an array of job openings and positions, they place medical professionals on assignments that range from just a few weeks or a year to a permanent vacancy. Their professionalism and competency has made their recruitment services as an ideal solution to solve physician-staffing challenges in order to aid healthcare industry to provide medical care to patients and generate revenue.
Apart from healthcare facilities, these staffing firms helps physicians to find the best jobs according to their choice, needs and preferences. Due to the high demand of physicians in healthcare industry, more and more physicians are choosing the career as Locum Tenens because of the flexibility and rewards associated with these jobs.
Locum physicians have the freedom to choose when and where they want to work, across the nation. Their job profiles are free from office politics, administrative hassles and longer work schedules. Locums are paid well depending on practicing field, job location and related experience. They are offered other advantages like accommodation and travel. While on assignments, locum doctors are provided with malpractice insurance.
Healthcare systems customize and offer extra benefits to Locum Tenens physicians according to the job profiles. To find such an opportunity for your career growth, logon to

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