Baron and Budd is a renowned plaintiffs’ law firm with more than thirty years experience in asbestos litigation. The influence of Russell Budd on Baron and Budd has been significant. Russell Budd is a respected attorney and a major change agent for Baron and Budd.
For Russell Budd and his team of attorneys, recent mesothelioma cancer issues concerning firefighters have come as no surprise. After 9/11 all that remained of the World Trade Center was wreckage and rubble. This was an event where thousands of people lost their lives. But the rubble at ground zero did not deter America from trying to resurrect it. Hundreds of firefighters have been involved in relief operations. They have bravely continued the practice of saving the lives of 9/11 victims by risking their own, and in the process may have unwittingly exposed themselves to asbestos fibers.
In a study by the Lancet Medical Journal, it was discovered that there was a nineteen percent increase in cancer of firefighters who had worked at the site of 9/11 a decade ago. Researchers found the presence of asbestos-containing compounds in the dust. It was established that asbestos-based paints and coatings were used in some areas of the World Trade Center.
Although no specific quantitative data exists, it is evident that hundreds of tons of asbestos were present in the World Trade Center. During 9/11, it is believed that the asbestos was released into the atmosphere. It is clear from these findings that the firefighting community needs help. Russell Budd has another cause to champion for; and his firm, Baron and Budd, has another campaign to win.
Russell Budd has been an active advocate for protecting the rights of the victims of asbestos exposure. This is reflected in the motto of Baron and Budd, “Protecting What’s Right.” Apart from being an experienced attorney at the helm of affairs of Baron and Budd, Russell Budd is also involved in setting up trusts for mesothelioma victims. If not for Russell Budd, some of these asbestos funds might have not been created.
Given his humanitarian side, Russell Budd was awarded the Harry M. Philo Award Trial Lawyer of the Year Award in 2010. A great accomplishment for any attorney, this was well-deserved for Russell Budd. Given the credentials of Russell Budd, as well as many other seasoned attorneys of Baron and Budd, firefighters have some new hope in the line of fire. They can seek compensation from the manufacturers of these asbestos products. They have saved many lives; now it’s time to save theirs. There’s no better law firm than Baron and Budd to show them how this can be done
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This article is based on Jim’s extensive research on mesothelioma and asbestos though he is not an expert in this particular field. He is up to date on what mesothelioma lawyers such as Baron and Budd are doing to fight asbestos. He prefers to share his findings with the hopes that the information will help another victim of Mesothelioma. Additionally, he regularly follows asbestos developments at
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